
All of our tutors have been hand picked by our teaching experts for competency.

Our rates are a representation of the credentials, experience and outstanding abilities of the tutor.
Clients believe they received excellent value for money with Ingenious Learning
Clients believe our rates are in line with the high quality of service that we provide
Clients believe Ingenious Learning offers an outstanding quality of service
Clients would recommend Ingenious Learning to a friend

Our Rates

(Indicative only)

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Advanced tutor
£35 per hour

Hand picked by us for for excellence

Advanced tutors tend to be an appropriate choice for students up to and including GCSE

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Master tutor
£45 per hour

Conveying exceptional credentials and experience

Master tutors tend to be an appropriate choice for students up to and including A-Levels

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Expert tutor
£60 per hour

Elite credentials and outstanding experience in education 

Expert tutors tend to be the preferred choice for students up to university level and those with specialist requirements

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Platinum level tutor
£120 per hour

The very finest educators we have to offer – these tutors have unparalleled ability to pass on knowledge and technique

Platinum level tutors tend to be the preferred choice for students up to post graduate and those with particularly specialist requirements